About Breaking Barriers

A Charity for Disabled children, young people and their families.

Breaking Barriers NW is a Charity originally founded by 3 parents of disabled children and now managed by one of the parents with the help of a team of volunteers.

It aims to :

  • Support & reassure with a listening ear
  • Promote, improve & advance the emotional wellbeing of Parents, Carers & Families of disabled children & young people aged 0-25 years old and adults
  • Promote equality of opportunity for all sectors of the Community
  • Signpost Parents & Carers to relevant local Services

Breaking Barriers also supports Adults with Autism by facilitating a monthly support group called ABAG - Adult Bolton Autism Group.

Lets prepare the World for our Children . . .

As Mum to 2 fabulous adult children, the eldest of whom has Autism I have realised there are many everyday barriers our children face in society which need addressing and removing. We need to celebrate and understand difference and help the wider community take positive steps towards inclusion for all.
We need to work together to create a more understanding, accepting society which recognizes and values all abilities and realises the importance of every single achievement and milestone reached for those with additional requirements.

Help fund our vital work. You can donate directly to us online!